Welcome to New Beginnings, we're excited to have you join us!
What time should I get there?
We'd recommend you arrive 15-20 minutes before our 10am service so you can find a spot to park and meet a member of our Welcome team. They'll be happy to show you were the important things are like children's ministry, coffee and the restrooms.
Wondering what to wear & what to bring?
Just bring yourself and come as you are. Seriously! There are no "dress code" expectations. Show up in a suit or in pajamas, we'll think you look great! We'll have everything else you need - including coffee - so you can just show up and enjoy the service with us.
Where do I park & which door do I use?
Parking is available to the west, in front on Dayton Street and in the lot east of the church building. Handicap parking is located on 10th Street with ramp access at door #4.
Please enter at door #1, #2 or #4. All doors will be locked once service begins so please ring the doorbell at #1 for assistance.
Please enter at door #1, #2 or #4. All doors will be locked once service begins so please ring the doorbell at #1 for assistance.
What about my kids?
All of our worship services have a dedicated children's ministry space specifically for your kids! A member of our Welcome team will be happy to take you to the check-in area and get you set up. At the children's check-in area, you’ll be able to register your child on our secure check-in software. You will be given a sticker with your child’s name, what class your child is in, and a unique code that corresponds to your child’s own sticker. Our trained and background-checked team, along with our usher team, will work together to keep your kids safe so they can enjoy their time with us. Once you’ve checked your child into their class, you can head into the sanctuary upstairs and we’ll take it from there!
For more info: Children's Ministry
For more info: Children's Ministry
How long will I be there?
Our worship services are about an hour and fifteen minutes long, but come as you can, leave as you must! All of our children's programming is timed the same way so that as soon as you leave the worship service, you can pick up your kids. But please, feel free to hang out in the foyer after service and make some new friendly connections.
What will I learn?
The full focus of our worship and teaching will be on the life-changing love and power of God that we see and experience in Jesus by His Holy Spirit. Learning how to be saved and delivered from our sin and messed up life when we come to Jesus, and then on to learn how to live a life under the power and love of His Spirit.
Can I come "if"...
No matter what your "if" might be, the answer is still Yes! You can come here! NBFC is made up of people from every background imaginable, and it doesn't matter where you're from, what you've done, or what you've been through. Jesus' love and His active presence in our lives is our main focus. We're a church that's all about a real relationship with Jesus, the One who helps us navigate through life, and helps us learn how to help others with the same. It's what binds us together and we welcome you to join us.
What's next?
We want you to come and see, but we don’t want you to stop there! NBFC is a very caring congregation made up of families of all ages who share a unique blend of Christian love and family, serving together in a spirit of unity while striving to reach out beyond ourselves to those in need with the love of Jesus Christ. Here you will find a warm welcome with opportunities to grow in your relationship with Jesus and His Church. We’re a church that’s all about being with Jesus and becoming like Him, and that means we believe everyone has a next step to take in their walk with God. We want to help you continue the journey.
Fill out the form below with the date + time you’re visiting, and our team will be ready for you. See you soon!
Fill out the form below with the date + time you’re visiting, and our team will be ready for you. See you soon!